
Thursday, December 22, 2011

Mission Challenge: Classification Activity

Kingdom:  Animalia
Class: Gymnolaemata 
Order: Cheilostomata
Family: Reteporidae
Order: Cheilostomata
Family: Retporadae
Genus: Stylopoma

Species: About 3,500 but on 50 inhabit fresh water

The Body parts a bryozoa has is a body cavity and a simple gut. The animal looks like a weird flower. A bryozoa eats diatoms, green algae, cyanobacteria, non-photosynthetic bacteria, dinoflagellates, rotifers, protozoa, small nematodes, and microscopic crustaceans. A bryozoa species live in tropical waters at depths less than 100 metres (330 ft). However, a few have been found in deep-sea trenches, especially around cold seeps, and others near the poles. The great majority are sessile. Encrusting forms are much the commonest of these in shallow seas, but erect forms become more common as the depth increases. A few marine species can move, and an Antarctic species forms floating colonies. The phylactolaemates live in all types of freshwater environment lakes and ponds, rivers and streams, and estuaries.

Cricket Investigation- Do the Crickets Prefer Fruit or Vegetables?

Introduction and Background Research: 
Crickets are somewhat related. Crickets have a slightly flattened look to their body, and long antenna, where as a Grasshopper has a similar body, but with large hind legs used for jumping and much shorter antenna. The Grasshopper antenna tend to be shorter that the length of their bodies, but the Crickets are normally longer. Grasshoppers are normally found during day light hours.

The Link were I Found This Information:

Question: Do the crickets prefer fruit or vegetables?

Hypothesis: If my group and I put two crickets in a container with a fruits and vegetables then I expect the crickets to like the fruit more than the vegetable because I saw crickets active when a apple was in the container.

Experimental Setup:

Experimental Setup:

Method of Data Collection:
 Data was collected by the Trial Method. My Group and I decided on 2 minutes for each trial.

Data Picture and Illustration



Friday, December 9, 2011

This Week In Science #6

This Week in science I did a Animal Behavior, Cricket Investigation, Data Day Crickets, and A Mission Challenge on the Dichotomous key. In the Animal behavior we watched videos from you-tube such as animals fighting, mating and more. Also David showed us Videos too. In the Cricket Investigation and Data Day Crickets we did the behavior of the crickets when they chirp and when they are more active.

This Week in Science I learned when crickets are more active. Also I learned Animal Behavior. Another thing I learned how to make a Dichotomous key.

Friday, December 2, 2011

This Week In Science #5

This week in science I did a conclusion, Marshmallow Challenge part 1, Grading etc, 3 2 1 Blast Off, Mission Challenge rockets, Launch, Rocket conclusion, Wrap up day, Animal Behavior. In the Marshmallow challenge my group and I had to build a tall tower with a marshmallow on the top this time my group had the highest tower. In the grading Etc i had to work on my Milestone. In the 3 2 1 Blast off I had to build a rocket using a straw tape and paper. Also I  wrote down things I notice and what I'm wondering. In the mission challenge I had to build a rocket with my group. The Independent Variable was the weight of the nose cone. In my Rocket Conclusion is answered the questions on the  rocket conclusion helper. For wrap up day I accomplished the Rocket conclusion. Animal Behavior was all about fighting and mating.

I learned about how different types of animals fight and mate. also i learned how to launch a rocket with the launcher. Another thing i learned how to do was hoe to exceed the standards.

Friday, November 4, 2011

This Week In Science #1

What I Did In Science: This Week In Science I Did a  Marshmallow Challenge, Intro To The Microscope and a Plant Investigation #1. In the Marshmallow Challenge My group and I had to make a tower with Spaghetti and a marshmallow at the top. In the Plant investigation we did our variable, diagram procedure to plant our plants.

What I Learned In Science: This week in science i learned to plan out what I'm doing when I'm doing a group project

This Week In Science #4

What I Did This Week In Science:  This week in science I did Data Day 1, Data Day 2, Data Day 2 Cont., Project Planning, Investigation Write Up Day 1, Investigation Write Up Day 2. In Data Day 1 my group and I  made a graph based on who likes a certain basketball team. In Data Day 2 we sketched out what we were gonna do for our graph. In Data Day 2 cont. we finished the graph. In the Project Planning, We wrote down the subtitles that we have to do for our Google docs. Then we wrote our names next to who was going to do them. In Investigation Write Up Day 1 I did the question and procedure for gathering data. Investigation Write Up Day 2 i did the background.

What I Learned This Week In Science: This week in science i learned how to make an investigation Writeup and Procedure for gathering my data.

Friday, October 21, 2011

This Week In Science #3

What I Did In Science This Week: This Week In Science I did a Project Launch. In this Project Launch we Draw and Labeled Diagram of our Plants to Indicate our Growth Changes. Also Our Driving Question and our what we Need To know to Conduct and Publish a Plant Investigation that satisfies all the NDHS Requirements. Another thing I did was a Hypothesis and Procedure. In this Hypothesis and Procedure we did Procedure for Gathering Data and the PB+J. Finally we did a Data Day. In this Data Day we did or Gathering Data on the Plants and Data on how much people in our class like a certain basketball team.

What I Learned In Science: This Week In Science I Learned the If-Then-Because Format and other things on how to Conduct and Publish a Plant the NDHS Requirements and get us an A. I also Learned the Indepent and Dependent Variable Parts.

Friday, October 14, 2011

This Week In Science #2

What I Did This Week In Science Is Testify, Plant Investigation #2- Background Research And Plant Investigation #2- Experiment. Testify Was About A Question That Can Be Tested. For Example independent Variable . The Plant Investigation #2- Background Research Was About The Brassicarapa Plants. The Plant Investigation #2- Experiment Was About  How Does Changing ________ Effect The ___________. In dependent Variables could Be Changing The Size, Color, Surface, Thickness And More

What I Learned In  Science This Week Is That Brassicarapa Plants Can Grow Up To 5,000 Feet. Another Thing I Learned Is This Flower Is A Hermaphrodite (Have Both Female And Male Organs) . Also I Learned These Flowers Stay From May To August and The Seeds Ripen From July To September.The Most Fascinating Thing I Learned Is It Was Said To Be A Remedy For Cancer.