
Friday, February 17, 2012

This Week In Science #9

 What I Did This week in science I dissected A frog and mouse. We also drew the dorsal, ventral and anterior view of the frog, mouse, skate and perch. We Talked about if we ever had previous experience with dissecting or if this was our first time. Some said yes and some said no previous experience. I never dissected any thing until this year.

What I Learned I learned how to Dissect a frog and mouse. A aha moment was when Kendry did not no how to cut the frogs six pack and it almost squirted on him and Kasheem. Also I learned how to Figure or whether a mouse or frog was a male or female. If the frogs thumb is big its a male, If it's not it's a female.Another thing I learned that I never knew was frogs have abs which is similar to humans.

Structures And Functions
Two organism that was dissected at my table was the frog and the mouse. Three structures that function similar that appeared differently was the heart, lungs and the gallbladder.
Ventral View

Dorsal View

Friday, February 3, 2012

This Week In Science #8

What I Did- This Week In Science I Dissected a Cricket. An Aha Moments was when Right Before We Dissected the Cricket Melenie was not scared but when She smelled it and looked at it she did not wanna dissect it anymore. I Dissected something for the first time.

What I Learned- I Learned how to Dissect things, some things are dissected with a scalpel and some are with dissecting scissors. This week in science I Learned What Dorsal, Ventral, Proximal, Anterior.